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Sculpture Garden

The Sculpture Garden was created from a derelict space in 2006, it is now a thriving outdoor space and a haven for wildlife.

The garden was originally designed by Sue Hannett with railings by Richard Bett, Sculpture by Miles Halpin and floor mosaics by Coralie Turpin (in conjunction with pupils from Barton's three primary schools). The garden and promenade was lovingly cared for by Twink Addison until her retirement in 2021 and is now under the auspices of gardener and willow artist Alison Walling.

If you wish to know the names of any of the plants look at our Flickr albums here

Live music at Ropery Hall

Barton Rotary Variety Show

7th September 2024

For more information about Barton Rotary Variety Show, including show times and to buy tickets online, click the link below.

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